Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ethernet and Router as gates?

The question is can we explain this phenomenon with the latest threats like direct attack of network and ethernet cards and manipulation of routers? Probably at least partially. One thing that never should come out of focus is the direct cpu or microcode manipulation this seems to be very close to the attack of the bios and soon also to efi. Several people reported and even proved that such occurances are more then real. Also more reports talk about special prepared udp packets that virtually replace the usual executable malware which means while connecting to internet you could be directly affected without doing much wrong. That means the problem exists not behind the computer the mistake is inside your computer in combination with the vulnerable and unsecure structure of the internet.

It is crucial to create awareness so that many people don´t waste their time trying to hit the evil on the wrong side. Visualize about a Zombie (Exploit, Virus) that always stands up no matter how hard you hit him (security tools) he will always come back. It won´t help if you bash him (regular updates, system hardening, backups) it also won´t help if you start using haphazardly weapons (antivirus, antispy..) you may blast him away a part of his body but he will stand up again and again. You must analyze how it is constituted to get a possibility to punch evil on the right side.

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